Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Oldies but goodies!


This shot is not of a pork shoulder I roasted in a five spice rub along with a vinager brown sugar glaze, served alongside some carrot slaw. Babe loved it, but next time I am shooting for a better shot! My iPad is running full on memory so alas this is all she wrote for this dish!

Next up is my fave dessert when craving mangos! Frozen mango topped with homemade sweetened condensed milk! It is to die for and all you need are three ingredients! 

1. Heavy cream
2. Sugar
3. Salt

That is all she wrote folks add hose to a pot and simmer until thickened (think coats-the-spoon for a ice cream custard base). Mmmmmm!

Nachos are THEE best food to eat when you want to get stuffed! Here is a veggie nacho plate. Topped with pan seared veggies, homemade refried black beans, a simple guacamole and a 2 minute salsa! You will not be disappointed, trust me! 

Veggies: Heat your pan on a medium high setting, once hot add coconut oil. When the oil is heated add your veggie blend. You can use whatever veggies you like. Here I used some red onion, squash,  bell peppers, and a little garlic for extra flavor! Cook until softened with a slight bite around 10 mins. Set aside for assembly.

Salsa: grab a couple tomatoes and throw them (slightly chopped) into your food processor. Next add in a chopped white onion, and two medium sized jalapeños. Follow that by adding in a handful of chopped cilantro. Squeeze fresh lime to taste, add salt, and blend! This can take some tweaking as some may prefer one taste over cool thing about salsa is that you can literally mix it up to be as spicy, or as acidic as you want! You could even add more garlic to round it out. Whatever the case, have fun and go for it!

Chip: assemble chips on the plate and add shredded cheese of choice. Layer on some cheese and toast in the toaster over or oven for a few minutes or until melted. Take it out add on your beans and more cheese, followed by more veggies. Heat again until cheese on beans in melted, (The heating process ensures your chips won't become soggy). Once finally melted to desired stage add on salsa and guacamole! Seriously it's really that simple. 

Until next time folks! I have some vegan recipes coming up next so stay tuned!

Thursday, July 30, 2015

The girl LUV's food

Hey everyone this is my first blog entry on my new blog! The old one was a bit of a mix up so I decided to dedicate one solely to food! My first love, I mean where do I begin. You know those waking thoughts you get every morning whilst gathering your bearings? Mine generally consist of meal planning, travel plans that somehow all revolve around food, hell I even embarked on a new journey work wise all due to my love affair... It's all consuming really, I mean food takes up all of my time, in the best possible ways. So why not share my love with the world? So here it is folks welcome to my blog! You will find a bit of everything on here. I myself have been a part time pescatarian, everyday vegetarian for almost 5 years now. You will find awesome FLAVORFUL, healthy, and indulgent recipes in this section! When I first became a vegetarian my main concern was flavor, later leaning towards protein and etc. My other half is NOT a veg-head in any way, he is a definite carnivore whom I gladly will cook a rib or pork belly dinner (just to name a few). The honest truth is I just love food, and working with all food. So there is something for everyone on here! Stay tuned for my first recipe post!
- ✌️💓